Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2012 Christmas Letter

It’s pretty crazy that it’s “that time of year” yet again.  2012 has definitely been full of ups and downs, we have ridden the high waves and crashed at the shore, and we have also had some calm waters in between.  And yet, God never fails to amaze us and show us his mercy and grace.

Bruce continues to countdown his days until retirement and planning fishing trips.  He had a wonderful time this year with the guys on their annual Mammoth trip.  It was a blessing for him to be able to go.  After a long three-year battle with dementia and what was possibly Parkinson’s disease, we said goodbye to his dad in October.  It is definitely hard to let go of a loved one, but we know without a doubt that dad has a perfect body and mind and is spending eternity with Jesus.  No greater blessing than that!

Terri is still enjoying the benefits of staying at home and all that entails.  One would think that not having a “job” you wouldn’t be so busy, but no, she fills her time with plenty.  She loves her camera, is building a photography business, loves on Jr. High and High school students at church and takes care of the home.  Her newest additions, Phoenix and Ruby, the sun conure siblings, and of course, Titus the tortoise, Roxy the bernese mountain dog and Lily, her yellow lab keep her happy and without a dull moment!

Ryan has had a pretty amazing year.  He still works at Bob Marriott’s and in August he rededicated his life to Jesus and is fully submitted to his calling of being a children’s pastor!  He has been accepted at Life Pacific College (the same one where his Aunt Tawni went!) and will be starting in January.  He moved back home in August and has an amazing girlfriend Caitlyn.  We are so proud of him and looking forward to what God has for not only him, but him and Caitlyn too!

Dylan.  Our fun loving, compassionate, down to earth, straight to the point son.  He has had a changing year too!  Because of Dylan, we have changed churches and have been so blessed.  He is still at Fullerton College, just narrowed down his major, which will be in Management and should be transferring in about a year.  He still is looking into a career in the police department, but wants a degree before he pursues that direction.  He left his job at Downtown Disney and now works in the shipping department at Bob Marriott’s and loves it.  Regular hours and no late nights, is a major benefit.  He loves routine!  Him and Renee are still going strong and she is a joy to be around.  She keeps him happy and that’s what is important!

You are all loved much, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Bruce, Terri, Ryan and Dylan Harris

“But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.  God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children.”  Galatians 4:4-5

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today marks 11 years ago that I said goodbye to my favorite person in my life.  My dad.  He was my hero.  Although I didn't get to spend most of my first 16  years of life with him, when he did come back into my life, I had some amazing 16 years.  My dad always made me feel so special.  No, he wasn't the perfect dad by any means, but he was my dad, and I miss him so! 

I miss his gentle kisses on the top of my head.
I miss his flicks on the back of my head.
I miss the cards.
I miss the voice mail messages.
I miss that he was the first one to call me on my birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas morning.
I miss the single flower he would give.
I miss the names he would call everyone.
I miss that he didn't get to see how much his grandson is so much like him.
I miss sitting by me in church.
I miss making him coffee in the middle of the day.
I miss his smell.
I miss his love.
I miss his hugs.
I miss my dad.

I know that he was taken from me too early, but I also know that he is in Heaven with a loving and gracious God and that I will someday soon see him again...until then, I will cherish each memory and moment that I had with you dad!


"He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Ecclesiastes 3:11

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine

As I reflect on Valentine's Day, I can't help but think of my husband and the love he has poured out on me over the years.  Bruce is a dream come true to my life.  I would have never thought that I would be blessed by such a man.  He has dedicated his life to loving me unconditionally and shows me daily by his sacrifices of himself to give me more and more.  Much more than I could ever deserve.  I have to admit, Bruce has always been my biggest support.  He has been right by me side through great times and most importantly, he has been my rock through some of the longest, darkest days.  He never expects anything in return, just loves me for who I am, who I was and who I am becoming.  He is always pushing me to do better and without him, I know that I would not be who I am today.  I love him dearly!
Most importantly, this man I call my own, has always shown me the love of Christ.  He always looks at me and sees me through the eyes of Christ.  When I don't deserve it, all I get is love.  When I am hard on myself, he points me back to the truth.  Through the years, I have been able to get the whole concept of how God loves us more than we could imagine and more than we deserve, because of my husband. 

My prayer on this Valentine's Day, and really, not just today, but every day, is that you begin to see your husband through Christ's eyes.  He may not be perfect in all the ways you, want, but he is the perfect one for you.  See him for who he is, and not who you want him to be.  He loves you.  He chose you.  Just as God loves, your hubby loves.  Choose this day to show Him, and him, how much you love!

Happy Valentine's Day...

Now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas-2011

Merry Christmas to all our friends and family!  Each and every one of you has a special place in our hearts.  2011 has been a roller-coaster ride for us.  We have been blessed through all the hard decisions and changes that have taken place, from aging and ailing parents to our oldest son moving out and getting back into ministry, by an Almighty God who loves us so and continues to show us each day that He is our Rock on which we stand.  To Him be the Glory!

Bruce's birthday this year marked his two year mark of being able to retire!  Although, it may not be that he retires in two years, it would be possible and therefore takes the stress of the load he carries for his family every day off of him.  It's been a tough year of dealing with aging parents for him.  Dad is now in a nursing home and it seems as if the doctors have found and fixed most of mom's issues.  She now has a pacemaker and is doing dialysis three days a week.  Things seem to be getting a little, just a little, better!  He was able to go fly-fishing a bit this year.  He  went on the annual Mammoth Lakes trip with the guys and had a great time.  His plan is to do much more in 2012...we are in the process of getting these dates on the calendar!

Terri continues to stay at home and never has a dull moment!  She is still able to stay at home and is so blessed to be a wife and mom.  She is a Bible Study leader for some great women on Tuesday mornings and also a Mentor Mom for Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) at church on Thursdays. She has definitely had one of the biggest transitions for a mom this year, with Ryan moving out, but knows without a doubt that God is good and He is in control.  She is really looking forward to being a part of a new marriage ministry at church.  Good things are coming in 2012!

Ryan has had a big year!  In June, him and his buddies, William, Adam and Cody went on another baseball stadium road trip.  This year they did the west coast.  They went to San Diego, Anaheim, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle and Los Angeles.  They had a blast!  He then turned 21 in September.  October, although it was tough for mom and dad, he moved out!  He is loving life and we are so proud of the man he is becoming!  Ryan is a full time student at Fullerton College and is in the process of changing his major to Business.  He continues to work at Bob Marriott's about 30 hours a week and still gets in his Wednesday body boarding sessions with the guys!

Dylan turned 19 this year
and is a neat guy!
He started working for Planet Popcorn this summer at Downtown Disney and is working lots of hours!  Him and his girlfriend, Renee, have been together for about a year and a half now and they have an amazing relationship.  As much as they are alike, it is amazing how perfect they are for each other.  It is so fun watching them grow up!  Dylan is at Fullerton College and working toward a degree in Political Science.  He is thinking about joining the police academy in 2012.  He is a bit jealous that his brother was able to move out and wishes it were him.  But what would this house be without the cynicism, the sarcasm, the nudges, the hits and the picking on mom be like?!?!

As 2011 comes to a close.  Our prayer is that you will find the peace of our everlasting Father and know that He is in everything.  Focus on the good things, keep your eyes looking for the positive in all things, and you will be blessed.  Jesus Christ came as a baby in a manger, lived on this earth for a while to be our example and died on a wooden cross so that we may have eternal life!  He loves you and He loves me.  May our lives fully reflect that!

God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

Bruce, Terri, Ryan and Dylan
Roxy and Lily too!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's hard to believe that my son is now 21 years old.  Time has gone by way too fast!  I know that is such a cliche, but you know, when you face this milestone, it really has gone by way too fast.  Not sure that I am ready for it, but ready or not, he has decided that it is time for him to spread his wings and be on his own.  Yes, my son is moving out!

Final steps.  Is it really happening? 

Once the bed goes in, you know this is real stuff.

I had a friend ask me if this is a good, bad or hard thing?  I said it is all of those!  It is a good thing that he grown up and ready to take on his own responsibilities and that is ultimately what we want for our kids.  We have spent their whole lives getting them ready for this very moment.  And I am extremely proud of the man he is becoming, but it is a bad thing in that we always think we know what's best for them, and only want what's best, so the unknown is the bad part!  Hard...I think that is without saying.  It is hard letting him go. 

As for Ryan, I think he is pretty happy with his new place!

I love you son, and pray that God blesses you on your journey.  May you continue to love Him, honor Him in all that you and know that even though you may not have your bed in this house, it will ALWAYS be your home.

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Dad has had a rough week!  Monday morning he fell in the
backyard and took a major header!  He has two three inch cuts that
have about 10-15 staples in each!  He actually cut an artery in the
right side of his head that they had to stitch back together too.
Thankfully, the neighbor boys heard him yelling, were able to get in the backyard, the gate has a lock on it, but it wasn't latched, got him into a chair and called the
paramedics.  Mom, was still asleep, and being deaf, had no
idea he was out there.  Once the boys called the paramedics, they went in and were able to wake mom. He could have bled to death had the boys not heard his cries!  Such a scary moment.

After spending 9 hours in the emergency, he went to a convalescent home to be
observed because of the head trauma and blood loss.  Dad spent two nights there he didn't think
he needed to stay and demanded to go home.  The convalescent home told us that the doctor was releasing him, but we realized that they were releasing him because he was demanding it and he gave them a run for their money during the night so they were more than happy to let him go! 

Well, within an hour of getting home, he was on the floor again!  We were able to get him
back in bed and he slept for about five hours, and then got out of bed without
calling for help and down he went and back to the ER we went! They took another CT scan, and it showed no new injuries and no internal bleeding.

He is now in a different covalescent home and what I believe is going to be good.  During the CT scan on Monday and Wednesday, they did find that he has two enlarged ventricles.  The upside of this, is most of his problems could be caused by this.  If that is the case, a stint can be put in to help with the flow of fluid leaving his brain and down the spine.  So, we are praying that maybe, just maybe, things can get much better for him.
I have to say, that this has definitely been a long and hard week, BUT what I can say, God has been right here, each step of the way.  Tuesday, I was pretty worn out, I had a tea to go to and quite honestly, I had to literally put one step in front of the other to get there.  And of course, it was just what I needed!  I was given the verse, "Rejoice in the LORD, always!"  Philippians 4:4 (NIV) and I knew it was just for me.  God doesn't want us to just rejoice in Him when it is easy.  He doesn't want us to only rejoice in Him when things are good.  He wants us to rejoice in Him ALWAYS.  At all times.  He wants us to delight and gladden ourselves in Him.  He wants us to always be glad in Him!  And as The Message translation says, "Celebrate God all day, very day.  I mean, revel in Him!"  And so, I choose to rejoice in Him, not only yesterday and today, but even tomorrow even though I do not know what tomorrow brings, because that can change literally any second, I do know, that God has me and Dad and the rest of us in His hands, and He loves us so much, that He will guide our way. 


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Proverbs 31

I have a friend who has been choosing one of her friends on Facebook and posting as her status what she admires in them.  Earlier this week, I was one of her friends that she chose and I was so blessed and yet overwhelmed and humbled by her words, that it is all I have thought about for a few days!  Yesterday as I was talking to my hubby about it, it hit me as to why it impacted me so much!  Her words, have been my life mission!  They are just what I would want my boys and husband and really everyone else, to be able to say about me at the end of my life.  Here are her words:

"When I think of Proverbs 31, Terri Lynn Harris comes immediately to my mind. A worthy woman. You are true to your friends. Pure to you husband and children. Loving to strangers. Content with what you have. You have opened up your home for others since the day I met you. You are a bright light in a dim world and I wanted to tell you that today. God Bless you Terri."

At first, I thought, wow, that's not true, what is she thinking!  BUT, as I read it again, I said to myself, "that really is my heart, that is who I strive to be."  So, why do I always doubt when someone says something kind to me, or says something about me that they see or feel?  I don't know!  It drives me crazy!  I have often prayed, "Lord, help me see me the way Bruce sees me."  My husband is an amazing man, I am so thankful that God decided he was for me!

Here are the words of advice from Solomon in Proverbs 31, while I know that we can not be exactly everything that this perfect woman is, but there is so much that we can glean from these words.  Proverbs is an advice book for us.  It is not a commandment or a law that is to be followed exactly.  Look at it as a gentle guidance from someone you respect.  I came into marriage and mothering with not a lot of healthy, good examples.  I have often felt that I was on my own and to learn how to be a good wife and mom.  It is not an easy job by any means, but I truly believe in this scripture, and that if we strive to be anything close to this woman, as a wife and mom, we will have amazing marriages full of love and respect!

"Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?  She is worth more than precious rubies.  Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.  She will not hinder him but help him all her life.  She finds wool and flax and busily spins it.  She is like a merchant's ship; she brings her food from afar.  She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan he day's work for her servant girls.  She goes out to inspect a field and buys it; with her earnings she plants a vineyard.  She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.  She watches for bargains; her lights burn late into the night.  Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber.  She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy.  She has no fear of winter for her household because all of them have warm clothes.  She quilts her own bedspreads. She dresses like royalty in gowns of finest cloth.  Her husband is well known, for he sits in the council meeting with the other civic leaders.  She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants.  She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future.  When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule when she gives instructions.  She carefully watches all that goes on in her household and does not have to bear the consequences of laziness.  Her children stand and bless her.  Her husband praises her. There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!  Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.  Reward her for all she has done.  Let her deeds publicly declare her praise." 

                                                     Proverbs 31:10-31